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Tre Rime di Tasso     I.  II. III.
(total duration 9')

I. Amor l'ali m'impenna

version for SSATTBarB Voices

duration 3'

Commissioned by: Chanticleer
World Premiere: 2000, San Francisco

Play Audio Excerpt
Choral Arts Northwest, Robert Bode, Conductor (281k mp3

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Text and Translation:

Amor l'ali m'impenna,
amor caro, amor dolce, amor felice,
tal ch'i' non spero più, né più mi lice.
Passo monti e procelle,
passo il cielo e le stelle.
Del piacer quest' è il regno:
ah, mia fortuna non se l'abbia a sdegno!
Questo, questo m'accora,
ch'altri cadeo dal paradiso ancora.

                                         Torquato Tasso (1544–1595)

Love, whose wings take up my pen,
precious love, sweet love, exultant love,
that for which I no longer hope, nor am allowed to hope.
I traverse mountains and storms,
I pass through the heavens and the stars.
This is the realm of pleasure:
ah, that my happiness were not the beginning of scorn!
This, this is what grieves me,
that one should thus be made to fall again from Paradise.

                                                     (trans., William Hawley)





Translation Copyright © 2000 William Hawley
All rights reserved.
Play Audio Excerpt
Chanticleer live (281k mp3)

First Page of Score
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