Quis color ille vadis, seras cum propulit umbras
Hesperus et viridi perfudit monte Mosellam!
tota natant crispis iuga motibus et tremit absens
pampinus et vitreis vindemia turget in undis.
(310 - 395 A.D.)
What color that shoal, with the late shadows banished by
and verdure filling the hills of the Moselle!
Everything floats,
rippling together in motion, as the distant
vine-leaf trembles,
and the grape swells in the glittering water.
Te Vigilans Oculis
Te vigilans oculis, animo te nocte requiro,
victa iacent solo cum mea membra toro.
vidi ego me tecum falsa sub imagine somni:
somnia tu vinces, si mihi vera venis.
Arbiter (20? - 66 A.D.)
My eyes watch for you, by night my soul desires you,
alone and overcome, my limbs tossing in bed.
I have seen myself with you, in the imagination of sleep:
in dreams you appear... if only you would truly come to me.
translations by William Hawley)